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first Apollo mission

Gus Grissom, Ed White seo company hong kong, and Roger Chaffee, pose in front of launch pad 34
  1967: Three astronauts die in Apollo 1 tragedy
  England have
  Three American astronauts died when fire swept the Saturn rocket on its launch pad at Cape Kennedy.
  The space crew, flight commander Gus Grissom , Edward White and Roger Chaffee, were taking part in a rehearsal for the launch of the first Apollo mission.
  It is thought an electrical spark started the fire which spread quickly in the oxygen-filled atmosphere of the capsule, killing the crew within seconds.
  Navy Lieutenant Commander Chaffee, aged 31, had never flown in space before. Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Grissom, 39, was the first American to make two flights. Air Force Lieutenant Colonel White, 35, made America's first space walk.
  It is feared the disaster on launch pad 34 could delay America's plans to put a man on the moon by as much as a year.

otherwise known as
a big woman in her sixties
instinct was to say Yup
I don't call you handsome
I know another way to the house
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first Apollo mission